Sep 18, 2022Past eventsArne Ryde Workshop: Heterogeneous Agent Models in Macroeconomics: Advances in Continuous time
Apr 11, 2018Past events Arne Ryde Seminar with Professor Georg Kirchsteiger, Université libre de Bruxelles
May 18, 2017Past eventsArne Ryde Seminar with Professor Beata Javorcik, University of Oxford (All Soul´s College)
Feb 16, 2017Past eventsArne Ryde Seminar with Professor Tore Ellingsen, Stockholm School of Economics
Jan 1, 2006Past eventsThe Equilibrium Manifold: Postmodern Developments in the Theory of General Equilibrium
Aug 13, 2004Past eventsEconomics of Substance Use - Individual Behaviour, Social Interactions, Markets, and Politics
Aug 21, 1997Past eventsFocal Points: Coordination, Complexity and Communication in Strategic Contexts
Aug 23, 1996Past eventsPost-Apartheid Southern Africa - Economic Challenges and Policies for the Future
Aug 17, 1995Past eventsEconomics of Gender and the Family - A Symposium in Honour of Anna Bugge and Knut Wicksell
Jun 14, 1990Past eventsNonlinearities, Disequilibria and Simulation: Quantitative Methods in the Stabilization of Macrodyn